Wear I Look


Trees surround, but that’s okay, I like it this way

Light comes from aboveI look up

Negative space, a quiet, silent moment

The sky changes but the Light is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Branches are strong like the people in my life,

branches bend, there’s room to grow

 The branches are veiled, they unearth my identity

I can be who I am, I have seen who they are 

Standing still   

the sky moves me

the wind leaves me

Look  Up

Trees grow

While I have grown, I have worn dresses

I wear a dress to go to the woods. I wear a dress to travel.

 I wear a dress if I want to

In the dress I feel confident

the branches that helped me grow

told me what I wear does not define what I will accomplish 

Through the stitches I mold a structure that will be as strong as steel

And as fluid as your branches



Light Reflection


Theology of Making